Students in all divisions take part in Reading, Language Arts, two periods of Math, Social Studies, and Science classes. Our students enjoy a fully individualized schedule that has them up and moving from classroom to classroom, experiencing different teachers and taking part in instruction that is exactly where they need it to be: as intellectually challenging as possible with all the skill support necessary for success.
Rather than use a pull-out or push-in model for support, all of our teachers are trained in evidence-based methodologies. All instruction is intensive and interventional. We use a range of programs and curricula to meet our students’ reading needs, including but not limited to:
- The Wilson Reading System™
- Read Naturally
- Lindamood Bell: LiPS and Visualizing and Verbalizing
- Into Reading
- JUMP Math
We also use aimsweb Plus benchmarking and progress monitoring assessments to chart students’ progress in areas of reading and math. This allows us to be laser-focused in our goal setting and to nimbly shift instruction to meet the needs of our students. Parents are also able to see their children’s progress toward their goals throughout the school year.
In addition to academic coursework, students participate in a range of Specials. These classes round out our student’s schedules and allow opportunities for success outside of traditional demonstrations of academic achievement.
- Physical Education
- Aquatics
- Art
- Library
- Music
All students at The Pilot School use a Chromebook for use throughout the school year. Students in our Lower and Middle Divisions learn effective typing skills and general computer navigation. As students become independent readers and writers, the Google Suite (Gmail, Docs, Slides, Forms) is used for effective communication inside and between classrooms. Students in the Upper Division have the option to take Coding classes, participate in the school’s Pilot Press Digital Magazine, or produce videos as part of the Current Events course.
In addition to typical uses of technology in the school day, our students take advantage of assistive technology options and software to optimize their learning. Speech-to-text, text-to-speech, organizational apps, digital timers, and other adaptive software often lowers the barrier to achievement that many of our students experience. Our students utilize Learning Ally in the coursework to access audio versions of the texts they are studying.
We have on-site technology support and instruction to ensure that students gain increasing independence and comfort with the technology necessary to experience success.
Curious about what else The Pilot School offers its students?
As well as on-site support services and customized academic programs, Pilot is proud to run a wide variety of clubs, sports, and activities for students to get involved with!