School Type: Established in 1957, Pilot is an individualized, therapeutic, independent day school for children with normal potential, ages four through fourteen, experiencing language based learning problems.
Facility: 85,000 sq. ft., constructed in 2016 on 50 acres.
Calendar: September through mid-June.
Tuition: $41,595 includes all services
Annual Budget: $5.8 MM
Enrollment: 147
Financial Aid: 50%
Minority Students: 15%
Student/Teach Ratio: 5:1
Average Class Size: 6-8
Academic Programs: Research based, comprehensive, matched to child’s strengths
Faculty & Staff: 58
Governance: Board of Trustees
Accreditations: Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools
Approvals: State of Delaware. State of New Jersey
Memberships: Delaware Association of Independent Schools, National Association of Independent Schools, National Association of Private Schools for Exceptional Children, International Dyslexia Association, Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools,
PA/DE Branch of International Learning Disabilities Association, Council of American Private Education, Learning Disabilities Association of Delaware, Learning Disabilities Association of Pennsylvania.