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Pilot Post – Nov 18, 2022

Dear Families, 

Because of the holiday, we will not be sending out a Pilot Post next week.  I want to take the time now, then, to wish you all a joyful time with family over the extended Thanksgiving break.  And because downtime often offers extra opportunities to pick up a good book, I want to throw out two book recommendations for your Thanksgiving break! 

The first is Of Boys and Men by Richard Reeves.  A Brookings Institution scholar, Reeves tackles the struggles facing boys and men through a variety of lenses and topics, ranging from education to workplace, from family life to mental health, from childhood into adulthood, in America and abroad.  I’ve found the book provocative and compelling as an educator, but I’ve been recommending it to friends, family, and professional colleagues alike.  I first heard of the book from David Brooks’ op-ed in the New York Times and then was reminded of it again in a recent Edutopia write-up by Holly Korbey.  Plenty of folks have weighed in on its messages by now, so I’m sharing it with you all here too!  It is thought-provoking for sure, and can perhaps provide some conversation items for your Thanksgiving dinner table.

The second is Raising Critical Thinkers by Julie Bogart (and this one also happens to be our next Happy Hour Book Club pick at Pilot).  I found this book so relevant and useful.  And as a result of my reading, I’ve made it a habit to add “for now” to any bold statements I make about my personal philosophies and convictions.  By adding “for now,” I leave myself open to be convinced otherwise.  I remain perennially available to alternative perspectives and opinions.  So this one is also a perfect pre-read to anyone heading to a Thanksgiving table full of opposing viewpoints.  It will make you see that diversity of thought as a splendor rather than a frustration.

Happy reading to you all, and best wishes for a joyous holiday week.


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