Giving tuesday
december 3, 2024
Giving Tuesday is a day that encourages people to give back in whatever ways they can. It is an international day of giving that encourages all of us to think about others and do for them what we can.
It’s amazing how small things can bring about big changes.
Your gift on #GivingTuesday goes toward our Annual Fund. Through your support, you are partnering with us to help ensure our ability to cultivate students’ mind and continuing in our mission of Unlocking The Potential. This year, we are so excited to announce a generous gift by the Ernest E. Stempel Foundation. They invite you to join them in supporting Pilot by offering to match your contribution. On Giving Tuesday, they will match every donation made to The Pilot School, up to $30,000.
Hear from our donor:
Pilot faculty are Amazing.
This #GivingTuesday, we have a special opportunity to honor them & to help our school.
Make a donation in honor of a Pilot teacher & the Ernest E. Stempel Foundation will match your gift – that doubles your donation! Hear from our Pilot faculty, why they teach and why they give to Pilot.
Middle Division Teacher
Jeff Wilkins
SEL & Middle Division Teacher
Ce-Ceaira Gee
Upper Division Teacher
Jennifer Skolfield
ways to give

Have any questions about donating?
With so many ways to donate to The Pilot School, questions do come up. Reach out to us and let us know how we can help.