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Pilot Post – Oct 8, 2021

A Letter from Dr. Williams

Dear Families, 

I hope this letter finds you enjoying the beginning of the long weekend.  If you have been following the Pilot Post, you’ll notice that I am often recommending books and articles.  I love to read and, unsurprisingly, hope to spend some time in the days ahead curled up with a book!  And next Thursday, we will finally be hosting our first Happy Hour Book Club.  We’ll be talking about The Family Firm by Emily Oster.  I am looking forward to discussing it with many of you.  If you are able to attend, let us know you’ll be coming using the RSVP link below.

Over the past few weeks, students have been taking part in Aimsweb Plus testing.  These assessments are short academic probes that give us nationally normed data on our students.  You’ll be given all of this information about your own child at your upcoming fall conference.  I have enjoyed watching the data come in, as it will be invaluable to us for programming decisions at the individual, class, division, and school levels.  I was heartened by the reading trends of our student body.  The data indicates that as a school we are successfully intervening in our students’ reading struggles.  Although most of our students begin our program in the Below Average range on nationally normed reading scores, 75% of our Upper Division students are at or Above Average (with roughly a third of our UD students in the “Well Above Average” range)!  All credit goes to our amazing faculty and their commitment to instruction that aligns with the science of reading.  I love data almost as much as I love a good book, so this has all been very exciting for me.

Appropriately, our video this week asked our students to tell us about their favorite book.  I hope you enjoy it. 

Have a wonderful long weekend!


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